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Willy Wonka

A word to describe Willy Wonka when you first see him is "eccentric". He is vibrant, filled with the joy of life, and incredibly unique. He is defined by his chocolates, his candy, and his creations. 

Wonka portrays a God-like figure. He allows the children to make their own decisions, like God allows his followers. Wonka, nor God, do anything to prevent the children from breaking the rules. When the children break the factory's rules, Wonka becomes upset. But he realizes it was their decision to make, not his. 
Wonka believes that being compassionate, friendly, honest, and following regulations is the way to the final prize; the Chocolate Factory. Likewise, God has the same beliefs for those who plan on entering Heaven.

If you are even the slightest bit religious, you might believe that God has a plan for you. In addition, you also might believe he puts up obstacles for you to conquer. Wonka puts up obstacles for Charlie to conquer to see if he is deserving of the factory. Slugworth tempts Charlie and offers him a million dollars for the ever-lasting gobstopper. Charlie turns down the offer. It is later discovered that this was a test that Wonka gave to Charlie, to see if he really was worthy of the factory. Charlie could be seen as a Christ-like figure.

Gene Wilder AS Willy Wonka from the 1971 film.


Johnny depp as Willy Wonka from the 2005 film.

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